Welcome to the Axon’s Pre-Admission Assessment for EMS professions. 

Our admissions team will score this assessment and use the results combined with other information on your application to make an admissions decision. 

​Some questions require a simple and specific answer such as a number.  Other questions require you to write a more lengthy answer.  You are encouraged to:

1) Read instructions carefully
2) Use appropriate language, grammar, punctuation, capitalization etc.
3) Use any tool such as a calculator or word processor to improve your answer.
4) Provide insights into the way you think or learn that might encourage our admissions staff to score your answers highly.
5) Take your time to complete the exam but complete the process as quickly as possible after you are given the instructions to do so.

Please note that there is no time limit for the assessment, however if you close your browser window completely your answers will not be saved for a later session.