Complete Your Admissions Video Essay

Your Admissions Video is an important part of your application process and helps us get to know more about you while assessing your your technical abilities, your motivation, and your ability to thrive in an online program. Please note that videos must be submitted through the link provided below.

Why a video essay? So you can…

  • demonstrate your ability to follow written instructions;
  • give us a sense of your hopes for becoming EMT/PAR or leveling up your EMS training;
  • demonstrate your understanding of the professional nature of the career you want to pursue; and
  • show that you can thrive in an online learning environment.

What are the requirements for the video essay?

  • Dress in a way that reflects the professionalism expected of an EMS provider and the interview process.
  • Make sure the camera is steady and that your surroundings are quiet and without distraction and that you are not recording your video under any precarious or dangerous situations such as driving or operating heavy machinery (Cell phone quality is fine.).
  • Keep the video between one and three minutes long. No more, no less.

What should I talk about? Here are your prompts…

  1. Clearly state your name and the city/state where you reside.
  2. Discuss why you want to enroll in this online program versus a fully face-to-face class.
  3. An online program requires self-motivation and a time commitment. Describe a few strategies you intend to use that will help you complete your work in a timely and effective way.
  4. Discuss three main strategies you will use to complete your work on time and be successful in the program.
    You are encouraged to complete this video submission immediately after completing your online application.